Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wellies in October

Okay so the Pond Hockey sweatshirt made it out yesterday ................We had a wonderful day at the races!!! weather was absolutely beautiful will follow..........all wearing wellies on a 75 degree day !!! oh well !! the verve was flowing and the red stripe kept coming out of the cooler !!! ......Big Poppa was a bit slow on the drinking before 3:00 rule ......oh well .......maybe it was the wellies !!! all in all it was a fabulous day babar would say ttfn !!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Busy Week

Sunday we decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner in we all went to Dree's (I think that will be her name !! it's sort of short for her really name !!! we have tons of nicknames for this blog) and Uncle Babar deep fried a turkey !! .....It was AMAZING !!! ......Yum Yum Yum.....I was in such a food coma i could hardly sit upright!! tons of sides and stuffing with mash potatoes !!! YUM YUM YUM pumpkin pie !!! cakes and pies cakes and pies !!! (for uncle bee) hahaha......this was our last week of summer vacation as the kids go back to school on Tuesday!!!! We have been taking it down all week long !! I will be crushed by Tuesday!!! we have been making up for lost time !! hahahhaha Rambo said he felt like he was on vacation !!! Tonight is the last BBQ of the summer!! pictures will follow !! hamburgers hot dogs all sorts of salads and big poppa's favorite brats!!! we also decided to defrost a ham that was in the freezer !! hopefully it will turn out okay !! I am sure everyone will be cornhole(ing)hahahahah ..... that is the link to the rules of playing ! ....anyway will post later i am sure !! just wanted to bring this blog up to date !!! as the kid says ttfn and as we all say TAKE IT DOWN !!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Big Papa Is In Plymouth

8/25/07- 6:22 PM

Where's Big Papa? Big Papa is in Plymouth. We are at our neighbor's house for a dinner party. We are celebrating certain things. We are just waiting to "TAKE IT DOWN" I am currently drinking wine out of a large plastic cup with confetti inside. TAKE iT DOWN. We missed a dinner party tonight, we missed the opportunity to go sit in horse drawn carriages to go to a ball. Oh well we're takin it down tonight anyway. The Kid is leaving up to go to Brinaaa's house =[ boo hoo we're going to miss her dearly. Big Papa is burnt from playing golf today, i don't know if he was in Plymouth or not though. Our neighbor's friend is leaving for London next week "balalalalala" as Big Papa would say. We'll carry on with the rest of the blog later on, this is just the beginning, ttfn ta ta for now.